바이오뱅크 주식회사

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Maker List

총 검색결과 : 2769

업체명 국가 전화번호 E-mail 상품수
International Medication Systems Ltd. / IMS 0 상세보기
International MI-SS Inc. 0 상세보기
International Murex Technologies Corp. 0 상세보기
International Mycorplasma 0 상세보기
International Newtech Development Inc. 0 상세보기
International Northeast Biotechnology Corridor / INBC 0 상세보기
International Packaging and Logistics Group Inc. / IPL Group Inc. 0 상세보기
International Partnership for Microbicides 0 상세보기
International PBI S.p.A. 0 상세보기
International Pharmaceutical Chemicals BV 0 상세보기
International Pharmaceutical Consultants Inc. / IPC 0 상세보기
International Pharmaceutical Factory 0 상세보기
International Pharmaceutical Products Inc. 0 상세보기
International Pharmaceuticals Inc. / IPI 0 상세보기
International Pheromone Systems Ltd. 0 상세보기
International Processing Corp. 0 상세보기
International Reagents Corp. 0 상세보기
International Regulatory Consultants LC / IRC 0 상세보기
International Rehabilitation Forum 0 상세보기
International Remote Imaging Systems Inc. / IRIS International Inc. 0 상세보기
International Research & Development Corp. 0 상세보기
International Safety-Ject Industries Inc. 0 상세보기
International Scientific Communications Inc. 0 상세보기
International Scientific Instruments / ISI 0 상세보기
International Scientific Instruments Inc. / ISI 0 상세보기
International Scientific Supplies Ltd. 0 상세보기
International Service for National Agricultural Research 0 상세보기
International Service for National Agricultural Research / ISNAR 0 상세보기
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications / ISAAA 0 상세보기


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상호명 : 바이오뱅크주식회사    대표 : 박성식

사업자등록번호 : 302-81-25930    통신판매신고번호 : 제2016-충북옥천-0039호

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